Joe Avati is coming to the Olds Park Sports Club with his uproarious new show that promises non-stop laughs. Renowned internationally for his unique style, Avati, an Australian of Italian descent, fearlessly delves into topics that others hesitate to touch, all while steering clear of profanity and shock value humor.
In his latest act, “When I Was Your Age,” Avati explores the differences between the current generation of kids and his own, delves into the challenges of modern-day parenting versus the traditional approaches of the past, and humorously navigates the territory of comedians, cancel culture, the woke movement, and the growing fatigue with political correctness.
Do not miss the opportunity to catch the must-see comedy show of the year, When I Was Your Age, at Olds Park Sports Club on Wednesday, June 26th, starting at 8pm. Secure your tickets in advance from the provided link and remember, dinner reservations are required starting from 5pm, so make sure to call us at (02) 9153 7756 to book your table.
Tickets are non-refundable once purchased, so grab yours now and get ready for an evening of side-splitting entertainment with Joe Avati.